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Co warto wiedzieć o implantach dentystycznych?

What should I know about dental implants?

Ostania aktualizacja 6 March 2023

Dental prosthetics propose many solutions, but teeth implants are the most appreciated by patients and modern approach. This is a lasting complement to the missing tooth or teeth, and the dental implants you made look like real teeth. These are undoubtful advantages that convince an increasing proportion of society, despite its price. However, it is worth to put on exceptionally aesthetic and safe, modern technology.

Briefly about dental implants, that is, the whole truth about them

Most of us seem to have teeth implants

Is the discovery of recent years. Nothing more wrong! This is a solution that has been in dentistry for several decades. However, the last dozen years have resulted in considerable development of this method in terms of materials used and the means of attaching dental implants. Hygiene and care standards, as proposed by dental clinics, have also gained quality. It should be stressed that more and more often doctors specialize in the chosen field, i.e. in conservative dentistry, orthodontics or dental prosthetics, including treatment Dental Implants.

It is now said that the effectiveness of implantological treatments is almost one hundred percent. This is due to much greater hygiene awareness and the factors that disqualify the patient. This is a solution offered to people up to 65 years of age who have a good health status. In addition, it is important that the patient is taking medication, has had a disease, and the condition of the teeth and gums. However, these are issues verified by an experienced dentist during a visit to the dental office during the qualification for the procedure.

Dental Implant Price Includes an implant whose cost is around 1500 PLN. This should also be added to the value of a crown that may cost much like a dental implant. The total estimate also includes the implant and Crown Connector, additional examinations and the necessary dental procedures to initiate implantological treatment. The final price can reach about 5000, 1 zloty per tooth. However, it is worth noting that this solution will serve the patient for many years. In addition, professional dental clinics provide several years of warranty for selected treatments and dental implants. This guarantees a lot of comfort for the patient, but very rarely does anything happen to a new tooth. The basis of course is proper oral hygiene and adherence to the advice of a dentist.

The dental Implant consists of a titanium bolt, which is matched to the individual anatomy of each patient. Selected and used by dentists, metal is extremely strong and biocompatible with the human body, which is well tolerated by the body. The aforementioned titanium bolt, which is embedded in the bones, replaces the root of the missing tooth. After the time when Dental Implant Grows permanently, you can embed an artificial crown prepared for you individually for the patient. In preparation of such a crown takes into account the tooth-tightness, their color, shape and other characteristics of the customer’s teeth.

How to prepare for treatment with dental implants?

The effect that can be obtained during treatment for many patients is satisfactory. This applies to both aesthetic effect and comfort resulting from the use of the chosen solution. Usually, standard oral hygiene is sufficient, if so far it has been properly performed. Therefore, it is worth to raise this issue with your dentist in preparation for implant treatment, during treatment and control visits dedicated to the Dental Implants.

First of all, a medical consultation by a dentist is required before the commencement of the dental procedure. It is believed that the basis of a properly performed qualification for the treatment of dental implants is a pantomographic photograph, as it shows invisible to the naked eye developing decay, problems involving teeth (ranging from crown to root) and problems involving adjacent teeth. During this process, medical history and teeth control are primarily performed. Additional studies include a time-controlled control of the jaw bones and mandible using classical radiology or computed tomography, which use X-rays. It is sometimes necessary to perform blood tests as well. However, the entire procedure is determined by your doctor based on the information you have gathered about your patient.

As Part of the qualification performed to perform dental Implants Further treatment is planned and the estimate of its estimate is estimated if the patient can undergo this treatment. Ideally, the procedure can be started, but it is usually necessary to take advantage of existing decay or even to perform a Tartar removal procedure. Such factors can affect the length of treatment time, which may take up to 6 months.

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